Sunday, May 27, 2018

Solid Oak dog crate / cages

Some people frown upon crates but dogs instinctively like to sleep in enclosed spaces, just think where your dog sleeps now....chances are under a table, behind the sofa or in a dark's just natural protection from predators bred into then over centuries of evolution. Used correctly your dogs new crate will soon become it's safe place, its place of comfort where it feels most relaxed. 

Fully oiled finish 

Toilet training 

It's highly unlikely your new puppy will choose to do its business in its bed area so a crate can be a great aid in the training of a puppy in the etiquette of house training. Left for short periods to start with and then immediately taken out your new puppy will soon get the idea. The key is not to over do it to start with...after all the crate is it aid with training and to increase your dogs safely when left for short periods of time. In an ideal world you shouldn't be closing the door overnight on a puppy under the age of 12 weeks, a puppy under that is unlikely to be able to control its Bowles over night so a play pen with the crate inside is an excellent idea. The crate should be made as comfortable as possible with a blanket etc as a bed and it's usual toys.  Try encouraging your puppy to use the crate while leaving the door open. 

The key is gently gently, starting with you puppy in for short periods with the door open to start with then with the door closed but you still in the room, the crate should start to fell like a place of safety for you dog and definitely not one of punishment....just small steps at a time until the crate is it's go to place.

Choosing a size

Bigger is not always best. Rememmber if you have a puppy he/she will still be growing so try to work from the adult side of the breed. There should be enough room for your dog to stand and stretch out when laying down. However if there is too much room there's a chance it could bed down at one side and use the other side as a toilet while training,  this is going to be a place ultimately for your dog to sleep and not to be shut in 24/7......think about our own bed...we can comfortably sleep in a single bed. 

So it all sound positive, it helps with dog will become to feel safe in its own can shut him/her in for short periods of time to keep them safe form external where's the down side. Well the looks...have you seen um? Although you might use it with the door open or ajar the most of the time they still look like a prison cell! That's where I come in....I can supply you not only with the crate but also a hand crafted solid Oak frame, not only improving the looks drastically but turning it into a piece of furniture. My own which I use for a terrier is at the side of the sofa, ideal for a lamp and a cup of coffee.

Each crate is delivered fully assembled and finished either completely in oil or with a painted frame (in Farrow and Ball) and an oiled top. Three standard sizes (cage size) of 24, 30 and 36inch with 42inch being available at special request.

Painted frame and oil top finish

See here for our sales page and if you have any question please feel free to drop me an email...there's a contact for on the website

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